Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Lights

I go back to work tomorrow. It is bittersweet in a way. As much as I will miss all the time that I have had with my children these past eight weeks, I am looking forward to going to the bathroom alone, getting to finish a full meal at lunch, and have enough time to finish a glass of water! It has been wonderful being able to be with Hailee and Jackson, being able to watch them grow up a little more everyday, read stories at naptime, go for walks, and even watch the movie "Cars" with Hailee for the millionth time! (Her new favorite to watch)

Friday evening we went to Chickasha to see the Christmas lights with the family. It was great, kind of magical in a way. I haven't been there in five years and it was nice to go back and see all the displays, it was even more wonderful to watch Hailee as she saw it all for the first time. Little Jackson slept all the way through, of course.