Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Congratulations Nathan!

Nathan officially completed his program for his MBA this past March. His commencement ceremony was held this past Saturday. I am so proud of him and all his hard work and effort that he put forth into making this happen. All of the studying and homework and testing, all the while still being a terrific and hands on husband and father for the past year and a half. I want to get some pictures on from his ceremony but I think Hailee hid my USB cord to download the pictures from my camera on to the computer! I can't find it anywhere! I've tried to think like her and look in her favorite hiding spots, but it is nowhere to be found as of yet.

We move in ten days, by the way, our address will not change, all of our mail will be forwarded temporarily until we get into our new house in the fall.


Christine said...

That's so awesome! Congrats Nathan! I bet it feels so good to be all done. Congrats too on your new home. I can't believe how fast time is flying!