Monday, July 21, 2008

It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, so I thought I would log in and share some updates to all of you. My belly continues to grow and I no longer plan to be preggers in the heat of the summer, it is not enjoyable, I wouldn't recommend it! I was always fairly accustomed to the Oklahoma heat, I actually prefer it to the colder weather but when you already feel like an oven, carrying around extra weight, this 100 degree weather is not making matters any better.

Hailee is getting bigger everyday. It amazes me how much she puts things together and retains so much that is said. She's getting very clever at remembering everything that we say. A funny story...Nathan has an I phone that I got him for Christmas last year. She knows not to play with our cell phones. She went up to Nathan's phone the other night and said, "That's Daddy's I Phone" We have never called it an I-phone, just Daddy's phone. So, we have no idea where she picked up this new terminology, but it was so cute, funny that a 2 year old knows what it was!

She continues to love spending time with Marmie and Papa right now while we are all together during the process of our homes being built. She also loves Miss Rhonda and all her friends at school, she's just getting so big. I cannot believe she is going to be a big sister this fall.

Nathan is doing great, he is continuing to cycle this summer, training for the 100 mile Hotter "N" Hell ride this August in Texas. We are blessed that through all of the processes of home building, we have, thus far, not had any marital strife that they say come along with it. Hopefully, it stays that way! However, I will say I have a terrific husband who is pretty laid back about everything in life. The house is on schedule, we 're hoping it could be done a little sooner.

I keep telling Nathan that I need a vacation. My friends have gone to these amazing places this summer or are planning to this year. Mindy- Hawaii, Cynda- Italy, Kelli- North Carolina, Kristen- India (more of a mission, rather than a vacation), Christine - Utah, Nate- NYC....but, I am holding my time for motherhood! I'm not complaining at all, but oh how I miss the open road listening to some great tunes with my family headed to a great spot somewhere. There is always next year! I'm grateful, I'm grateful, I keep repeating that to myself. :)

Also, my poor niece fell down and bonked her head today on some pretty hard tile, it was a little rough on Les, first experience with that as a Mom. It happens to the best of us, right guys? Emily is doing well, kids are resillient that way.

11 weeks to go, oh yeah, we have officially decided on Jackson Dyer Hamilton.


Christine said...

Yeah!! I like Jackson! I know how you feel about being prego in the middle of summer. It pretty much stinks. I love your new post! Keep 'em coming!